Seemandelbaumblätter und Erlenzapfen kaufen bei catappa leaves sowie weitere Naturprodukte und Deko für das Aquarium

Herzlich Willkommen im Shop für Seemandelbaumprodukte & mehr: /

Eine kleine Auswahl an Garnelen und Schnecken vom vermitteln wir hier ebenfalls.

Hier finden Sie Seemandelbaumblätter / Catappa Leaves in allen Grössen und Mengen zu günstigen Preisen.
NANO, XL, XXL, MEGA, Blattendenkonzentrat, Seemandelbaumrinde, Garnelenfutter, SMBB - Filtermaterial und Filternetze, Saatmandeln...


Weiterhin erhalten Sie hier Erlenzapfen, Montmorillonit, Zeolith, Höhlen sowie Guaveblätter, Bananenblätter, Maulbeerblätter, Moringa etc.


Ganz neu jetzt auch Cholla Cactus Wood Durchmesser 1 - 7 cm, Seemandelbaumwurzeln und Futtersticks, bzw. Futterpellets für Garnelen, Fische, Krebse und Co.


Wir sind besonders spezialisiert auf Seemandelbaumblätter und für diese Produkte Deutschlands grösster Importeur, daher sind unsere Preise unschlagbar!

Wichtig zu erwähnen ist auch, dass unsere Importware grundsätzlich über das vorschriftsmässige, behördliche Pflanzengesundheitszertifikat verfügt. Bei grossen Mengen ist das unumgänglich, wer sich jedoch nur kleine Mengen aus Asien schicken lässt und hier verkauft, muss das in der Regel nicht nachweisen. Beachten Sie dies aus gesundheitlichen Gründen beim Erwerb Ihrer internationalen Naturprodukte.

Seit vielen Jahren verwenden wir selbst diese Seemandelbaumblätter in unserer Zwerggarnelenzucht und hatten dadurch die besten Voraussetzungen, zuverlässige Quellen mit bester Qualität zu finden.

Wir importieren aus Asien von dort ansässigen Leuten, die uns persönlich bekannt sind. Dadurch ist es möglich, diese Blätter in bester Qualität zu attraktiven Preisen anzubieten. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Blättern werden unsere nicht heiss gepresst, wodurch sicher Wirkstoffe entzogen werden, sondern nachdem sie natürlich ausgereift sind im besonderen Verfahren sonnengetrocknet und gleichzeitig geglättet.

Spezielle Anfragen beantworten wir gern per Mail / Kontaktformular


Oben über das Menü erreichen Sie die jeweiligen Kategorien mit grosser Auswahl. Hier unsere Neuheiten:

Product no.: Blätterauswahl aus 21 verschiedenen Sorten (25 Gramm)
from 2.90 / 25 g *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 116.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Blätterauswahl aus 21 verschiedenen Sorten (100 Gramm)
from 9.90 / 100 g *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 99.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: RindenTröge 5erSet
5.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Xaxim050020003
15.00 *
1 m² = 150.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Garnelenbäumchen Auswahl
from 9.99 *

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Maulbeerblätter

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.90 / unit(s) *
Delivery weight: 10 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: WOODA_04-06_0001_St
1.50 *

In stock

Product no.: Catappa-Mix-Sticks NEU
from 2.00 *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 80.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: S40_0480
9.90 *

Currently unavailable


Product no.: Blätterset Asia 10x10

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

Old price 19.90 €
17.90 *
Delivery weight: 200 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: Liane100XL
49.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Bambushöhle_gr
9.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: CatappaSets

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

from 3.90 *
1 kg = 39.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: 06-09cm SMBB Piko

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

6.90 *
1 kg = 138.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: D7800
59.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: S35_0495
9.90 *

Currently unavailable


Product no.: Schnupperset

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.49 *
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: EliteCollection

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

9.90 *
Delivery weight: 400 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: CatappaErlenLIQ

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

9.99 *
1 l = 19.98 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: 15-20cm SMBB010

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

Old price 2.90 €
2.70 *

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: CatappaLIQ

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

9.99 *
1 l = 19.98 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: SticksCatappaErle

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

5.90 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 59.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: 10-20cm SMBBSonder

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

from 8.90 *
1 kg = 89.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: Froschkopp
3.49 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: Höhlen Set 500gr
29.50 *
1 kg = 59.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Wadarakapsel
2.45 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Paradiesnuss
2.95 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: SetHöhleKlein
4.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: SetHöhleMittel
9.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: SetHöhleGross
19.50 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Futtersticks10neuSorten25gr
from 1.00 *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 40.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Futtersticks10neuSorten50gr
from 1.90 *
Delivery weight: 50 g
1 kg = 38.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: 3 RindenRöhreLang 2cm
7.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: 3 RindenRöhreLang 3cm
8.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: 3 RindenRöhreLang 4cm
9.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: 3 RindenRöhreLang
9.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: GuaveBlätter

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.90 / 10 g *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 190.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: BlackGuaveBlätter

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.90 / 10 g *
Delivery weight: 10 g
1 kg = 190.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: JackLeaves

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.90 / 10 g *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 190.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: CacaoLeaves

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.90 / 10 g *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 190.00 €

Currently unavailable

Product no.: SticksHokkaido

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

7.90 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 79.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: SticksCatappa

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

5.90 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 59.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: ChollaTeddyBear_LED
18.90 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: ChollaTeddyBear
1.00 / cm *
1 m = 100.00 €

Currently unavailable


Product no.: Naturpaket

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

34.90 *
Delivery weight: 500 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: ChollaCactusWood

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: Sticks10erSet

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

16.50 *
Delivery weight: 350 g
1 l = 33.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: Futtersticks10Sorten
1.00 *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 40.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: RindenRöhre1-7
from 1.50 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: KILOWARE350

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

29.50 *
Delivery weight: 350 g
1 kg = 84.29 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: SticksBrennessel

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

3.50 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 35.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: SticksKarottenKräuter

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

3.50 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 35.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: SMBäumchen
14.50 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: B-WareSMBB500

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

29.00 *
Delivery weight: 500 g
1 kg = 58.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: KILOWARE005

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

39.00 *
Delivery weight: 500 g
1 kg = 78.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Kombi XL100SMBB + 2 Röhren
The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.
10.00 *
Delivery weight: 100 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Moringa25
6.50 *
1 kg = 260.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: 10-15cm SMBB010

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

2.50 *
1 kg = 250.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days



The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

Old price 2.90 €
2.90 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 29.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: ERLENZAPFEN_050g

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

Old price 4.90 €
4.50 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 90.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: KOKOSHÖHLEN
5.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: RindeStreifen
4.90 *
1 kg = 98.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: 05-10cm SMBB Piko12

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

2.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Blätterset

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

Old price 17.99 €
14.90 *
Delivery weight: 200 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Filternetz
The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.
9.90 *
Delivery weight: 200 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: SAATMDL
0.70 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: 3 RindenRöhre 2cm
7.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: 2 RindenRöhre 4cm
8.90 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.
14.50 *
Delivery weight: 300 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.
19.50 *
Delivery weight: 500 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: ERLENZAPFEN_Riesen

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

3.90 *
Delivery weight: 50 g

Currently unavailable

Product no.: NANOPADS

Catappa Leaves Nano Pads 25gr

4.90 *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 196.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Proteinkugeln25g

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

3.90 *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 156.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: Zeolith fein

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

4.90 *
Delivery weight: 400 g
1 kg = 12.25 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: Zeolith grob

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

4.90 *
Delivery weight: 400 g
1 kg = 12.25 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Futtersticks50gr10Sorten
1.90 *
Delivery weight: 25 g
1 kg = 38.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: Zeolith Steine

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

9.90 *
Delivery weight: 400 g

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: Zeolith Sand 05

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

3.90 *
Delivery weight: 400 g
1 kg = 9.75 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days


Product no.: Aquarium Natur Pur Paket 01

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

17.90 *
Delivery weight: 500 g

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: SticksMoringa

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

7.90 *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 79.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

Product no.: Driftwood000

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: S40_1400
29.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: H35_0670
14.90 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: H35_2200
39.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: WOODA_06-08_0001_St
1.90 *

In stock

Product no.: THELA_08-15_0001_St
2.90 *

In stock

Product no.: LOTOS_04-06_0002_St
2.50 *

In stock

Product no.: MAHAG_RÖHRE_0001_St
24.50 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: RindeStücke
from 3.90 *
1 kg = 78.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: RindeStücke_kg
29.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: D5300
39.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: D4300
29.00 *

In stock
Delivery period: 1 working days

Product no.: D3100
25.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: D1600
19.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: D0400
4.90 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: D0900
9.90 *

Currently unavailable


Product no.: EZ200

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

19.90 *
Delivery weight: 300 g
1 kg = 99.50 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days


Product no.: AtoraLeaves

The description for this product tells you about the most salient features of this offer.

1.90 / 10 g *
Delivery weight: 100 g
1 kg = 190.00 €

In stock
Delivery period: 2 working days

* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery